
There is a new t-shirt contest starting today!

It goes by all the same rules as the last contest which means there will be a winner every week.  In the end, those winners will be apart of the final round to see who is the grand prize winner.  This winner will win a free Pony Party and t-shirt!  To enter your original drawing, give it to Aunt Les or email it to her at rrnewoptions@gmail.com 

Congratulations Hayden Jones! You have won the art contest!

Your art piece has won, and now your piece will be the new T-Shirt design. You have won a free Pony Party.

The Art Contest will continue through May 1st.  Please send in your entries!  

Send them to our contests gmail address: rrnewoptionscontests@gmail.com or send them to our address: R&R New Options Equine,  P.O.Box 2126, Gresham, OR 97030.  You could win a free riding lesson and be entered into the Grand Prize Contest for a free Pony Party at the barn ($200 value).

Week 4 Winner- Hayden



Week 3 Winner- Madison


Week 2 Winner- Madeline





Rescue Horse Story's:

Share your story of your rescued horse, how far you both have come, where you are now, not the sad story of where they came from.  The winner at the end of the month will win a bag of horse cookies.


Angel Face

My name is Hayden and my horse's name is Fanci. She is a mahogany bay Arabian mare. I have just recently adopted her from New Options and I must say we have both learned A LOT. The first time I rode her I just wanted to ride a horse that
I had never ridden before but when I got on we both knew we were a perfect match no matter what anybody said. Fanci has gone from a horse that was afraid of people (and sometimes everything), really hard to get from the field and too nervous to even finish a bucket of grain to a horse that can be lounged, ground driven, comes when I call, groomed in a stall without being scared of everything (even when she is she handles her fears in a reasonable manner) and now she will even finish a bucket of grain. She is a handful that requires a lot of patience but, she always wants to do the right thing. I think that is why I love her so much.

                                                            Photo: Horse contest: This is Shabaz. He is a young arabian full of life and love. I remember when we first got Shabaz. He was a little timid and afraid of us. But over time he has come to trust people. When we used to approach him he used to walk away from us and it was difficult to put a halter on him. Today, Shabaz reached a huge milestone. He went across the bridge shown in the picture. Walking across the bidge may not seem like a big deal, but this has shown us how much that Shabaz trusts us. You see, the bridge is hollow. And horses are not very fond of hollow surfaces (go figure right?) It took a few tries, some encouraging words, and some treats but after a few tries Shabaz went across the bridge willingly. After going over the bridge with a person on the ground Shabaz did it with his loving rider Christine. It has been an amazing ans humbling expirience to watch his progress overtime. Shabaz has come so far and we are all so proud of our little guy.

This is Shabaz. He is a young Arabian full of life and love. I remember when we first got Shabaz. He was a little timid and afraid of us. But over time he has come to trust people. When we used to approach him he used to walk
away from us and it was difficult to put a halter on him. Today, Shabaz reached a huge milestone. He went across the bridge shown in the picture. Walking across the bidge may not seem like a big deal, but this has shown us how much that Shabaz trusts us. You see, the bridge is hollow. And horses are not very fond of hollow surfaces (go figure right?) It took a few tries, some encouraging words, and some treats but after a few tries Shabaz went across the bridge willingly. After going over the bridge with a person on the ground Shabaz did it with his loving rider Christine. It has been an amazing ans humbling expirience to watch his progress overtime. Shabaz has come so far and we are all so proud of our little guy.
By Veronica



Art Contest ...

          to find a design for our next t-shirt!

  We need more entries to vote on.  We will not vote until we have a handful of entries.

** Please send in your artwork!

Week 1 Winner:

Alyssa Carman

Sunday, October 7, 2012
Alyssa was our only entry for week 1.  She wins a free riding lesson!

Send in your entries for next week to our email: rrnewoptionscontests@gmail.com or mail them to:
R&R New Options Equine, P.O.Box 2126, Gresham, OR 97030
Good Luck!


Monday, September, 17, 2012


We at New Options would like you to help us express our love for horses.  We are going to have an art contest to help us find our next t-shirt design. We will start accepting art work Monday, October 1st. Scan and send them to our contest email address at rrnewoptionscontests@gmail.com or mail them to our mailing address: R&R New Options Equine, P.O. Box 2126, Gresham, OR 97030. We will post the entries on facebook on Mondays and vote through the week. We will run these weekly art contests through the end of December.  
Each weekly winner will receive a free riding lesson.  * One entry per person.*  We will run this for 12 weeks.  Each weekly winner will make it to the finals.  
The Grand Finale winner will receive a Free Pony Party at R&R New Options and a free t-shirt with their design!  ** You may only vote once each week.**  -All entries become the property of R&R New Options-